Original version
I have never been able to ring this guitar because its connection system is outdated... My idea was to mount a real humbucker microphone to give a second life to this instrument. And the task was not going to be simple. Hawaian guitars have 8 strings whose spacing does not match the standard humbuckers of the standard of electricguitars. After a few measurements and material comparisons, my choice stopped on the DiMarzio X2N®7 where the size of captors perfectly cover the space of the 8 strings.
For an integrated electric microphone, we need an integrated electronic circuit. And so, a cavity to integrate all this cirtuit, placement of the knob(s) and the jack connector. But what about the mass ? ... the bridge is in wood and has only one small bar - which also looks like a guitar fret (!) - on which the strings are layed. I'll have to be ingenious...